Solar Rebates & Incentives in the NT

Solar Rebates & Incentives in NT
Australia’s Federal, State and Territory governments have introduced solar rebates and incentives to help kick-start renewable energy industries. Energy from renewables is critical to reducing carbon emissions to combat the threat of global warming.
It was once a policy borne of necessity. Electricity from rooftop solar panels and wind generators would reduce the need for more capacity. Together with traditional and aging fossil-fueled power stations, the demand would be covered.
Before the swing to privatization, Government or semi-government agencies built, paid for and operated the infrastructure that provided virtually all our power.
Even under privatization Australia still required to issue direct and indirect Government subsidies for energy from fossil fuel sources.
So logically, it was better for the Government coffers and emissions reduction targets if householders and businesses could pay. Encourage the end user to put up most of the capital for small-scale solar to meet growing demands for power.
Even so, the governments have not been quite as generous as it might seem – while they have sponsored and take credit for present incentive and solar rebates programs they have devised them in such a clever way that they are mainly paid for by the traditional fossil-fueled power industry.
The Governments require big power companies to provide a proportion of their generating capacity from renewables. If they are unable to do so then they can choose instead to subsidize others who are prepared to – and that’s people like you!
Incentive programs have played a big part in bringing about the rapid adoption of solar across Australia and in the Northern Territory.
This rapid take-up is, in turn, helping to make solar even more competitive and bring even more rapid growth.
The first important incentives for solar are subsidies under Federal and NT Government schemes towards the cost of your PV panels installation.
Then you receive on-going solar incentives through the NT Feed-in Tariffs purchases of the surplus electricity your system generates.
Solar Incentives
The federal and state governments have a mandate to protect our children’s future.
Small Scale Technology Certificates (effective rebate on system under 100kW)
Large-scale Renewable Energy Target program subsidy for large commercial installations
NT Government Assistance for Residential & Business Solar

The key Government incentive programs we will help you with
How to Claim STC Incentives
The details of how the STC program works can be a little complicated and, frankly, you probably are not going to want or need to know. But if you have plenty of time and enjoy a challenge you can check it out at
Should you decide to claim the incentive yourself, you probably will find the task of working through the paperwork is daunting. That’s why most new solar households simply choose to assign their STCs to their installer and let them handle it.
Country Solar NT has a documentation specialist who is familiar with the process and makes it look easy so that you don’t have to go through the hassles.
To qualify for STC benefits your system MUST be designed and installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited professional and your solar panels and other components MUST be approved for use in Australia by the Clean Energy Council. Country Solar NT is fully accredited and uses ONLY panels and components that are Clean Energy Council approved.

Accreditations with the Clean Energy Council are a prerequisite for savings from successful incentives claims